{"id":579,"date":"2024-05-06T12:41:14","date_gmt":"2024-05-06T12:41:14","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/folster.me\/?p=579"},"modified":"2024-05-24T16:44:32","modified_gmt":"2024-05-24T16:44:32","slug":"real-estate-branding-the-complete-guide-for-agents","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/folster.me\/index.php\/2024\/05\/06\/real-estate-branding-the-complete-guide-for-agents\/","title":{"rendered":"Real Estate Branding: The Complete Guide for Agents"},"content":{"rendered":"

In today\u2019s real estate climate, agents need a personal brand more than ever. Rory Vaden said it best when he described personal branding as \u201cthe digitization of your reputation.\u201d But how do you \u201cdigitize\u201d the reputation you\u2019ve built? When it comes to building your real estate brand, having experience and expertise doesn\u2019t matter if people don\u2019t even know you exist. Here\u2019s the good news: I\u2019m breaking down the exact steps you need to take to build a magnetic personal brand so you can stop chasing clients and start attracting them. <\/p>\n

What Is Real Estate Branding & What Makes a Great Brand?<\/h2>\n

Simply put, real estate branding is the consistent techniques and strategies professionals use to market their services, build authority in the real estate space, and attract clients. As a senior brand strategist at Sell It, Owner of Elevate Design Studios, and host of the podcast Not Nice. Clever<\/a>, I\u2019ve worked with hundreds of agents nationwide and beyond on building their personal brands. My mission is to help real estate agents learn how to leverage realtor branding to create a life and business they love.<\/p>\n

Ever wondered what makes great branding? It’s the magic that compels you to grab Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes instead of the generic store brand. Why? Because Frosted Flakes are not just cereal, \u201cthey’re grrreat!” And who told you that? Tony the Tiger, your childhood companion.<\/p>\n

Great branding from Kellogg\u2019s (Source: Food <\/a>T<\/a>own<\/a>)<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

You’ve watched him on TV, sharing breakfast moments with kids ready to tackle the day. He’s dominated billboards off local highways, and when you spot him on the cereal aisle, it’s like seeing an old friend. What’s the appeal of Tony? He’s not just any tiger; he’s 6’3″ of authority and approachability, a figure both kids and the young at heart can respect and admire. Even though those generic Sugary Flakes might taste just as good, there\u2019s a trust factor with Tony that keeps us loyal.<\/p>\n

So what does this teach us? If you want to build a loyal following, you have to create a magnetic brand.  <\/p>\n

Elements of a Magnetic Real Estate Brand + Examples<\/h2>\n

It\u2019s easy to think of a real estate brand as a logo<\/a> or catchy tagline. While those elements may be part of your brand, they are definitely not in and of themselves your brand<\/em>. There are five key elements that every real estate brand needs. Below, I\u2019ve shared each aspect along with real estate branding examples. Use the guiding questions and the examples to begin to craft your personal brand.<\/p>\n

You might be surprised at how much you already know about your real estate branding that you aren\u2019t leveraging yet. While you may know these things about your brand, the bigger question is, are you sharing this with your audience in a meaningful way?<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s dive in. <\/p>\n

Element 1: Your Brand Story<\/h3>\n

How did you get here? What transformation happened that has led you to this place? Why should people trust you?<\/strong><\/p>\n

Think back to before you went into real estate and reflect on the journey it took for you to get here. Maybe you were in a whole other industry, or you were drawn to real estate right out of high school. Name the reasons you entered this industry and the skills you learned before becoming a real estate agent. All these things brought you to this point, so add them to your brand story. People love to hear stories\u2014don\u2019t be afraid to tell them yours!  <\/p>\n

Example of a Great Brand Story<\/h4>\n

Ryan Serhant exemplifies the power of a compelling brand story. Whether you’ve followed his journey on Million Dollar Listing, dove into his insightful books like “Brand It Like Serhant,” or stumbled upon him while scrolling through Instagram, his story captivates. It’s the classic “from rags to riches” tale, resonating with many, yet remaining aspirational. Consistently sharing where he\u2019s been AND where he\u2019s going instills hope and motivation in his audience, ensuring his brand remains unforgettable, leaving the audience thinking: “If he can do it, I could do it too.”<\/p>\n
