4 Real Estate Technology Trends to Watch in 2024

I love attending real estate conferences like Inman Connect New York (ICNY). It gives me a chance to get face-to-face with agents who are experiencing challenges head-on. It also allows me to ask agents and vendors alike about the coolest real estate tech toys everyone is talking about. I sat down with a lot of people at ICNY 2024 to find out the latest real estate technology trends and what might be coming around the corner. Here is my roundup of the most compelling stuff I learned.

1. Intuitive AI Integrations are on the Rise (But With a Caveat) 

What I’m seeing from the conference 

Many companies incorporate AI into their platforms, especially for lead qualifying and nurturing. The AI is improving at mimicking human interactions, asking questions that make sense, and giving clients a more robust user experience. As much as agents feared incorporating artificial intelligence into their workflow, the sizable amount of data collected and delivered to agents will become too challenging to manage alone.

How will it impact agents in the field?

The idea is to help agents manage more significant amounts of leads so that fewer slip through the cracks. These lead gen companies are generating tons of leads, but agents need more time to work the leads through to the closing table. Most of these companies are trying to take the heavy lifting out of lead conversion to positively impact the ROI for agents.

My takeaway

I love this for agents! Working leads, especially the leads that are more than six months away from converting, is a huge time suck. Any company that can help agents convert more of their paid and organic leads is a partner in my book. 

In fact, one of the coolest AI iterations I saw at Inman Connect New York was ROOF from Offrs. Their  AI assistant does more than help you with leads. It will set appointments, segment your marketing audience, automate marketing efforts, track website visitors’ behaviors, and much more. Raia has a memory, so it can pick up a conversation even if your lead leaves the site and returns later. It’s pretty impressive!

Check out ROOF from Offrs

2. Overproduced Videos Are Out 

What I’m seeing from the conference 

Many speakers at Inman Connect New York stressed the importance of authenticity in marketing. One element that was singled out is the overproduced videos we’ve seen so much of since video first took over social media. Kyle Scott, President of SERHANT Ventures, specifically said, “Raw is in” for 2024. Audiences are immune to the overly polished, overproduced content agents have created. It’s time to just get on camera, no makeup, hair in a messy bun, and show clips of you doing you in real life. 

Check out our video with Kyle here.

How will it impact agents in the field?

This trend is good news for agents. If anyone hesitates to get on video because they’re afraid it won’t be “perfect,” this is liberating. Your audience wants to get to know you so you can let go of the idea that you must look perfect and polished every time you get in front of the camera. 

My takeaway

I would love to see more agents take advantage of this easily accessible way of communicating with their clients and leads. Here’s the truth–you’re not used to seeing yourself while talking, but everyone around you is. So, let people like you for you. This rawness is how your audience is going to connect with you. We’re entering a new era where the old methods of trying to reach your audience will be taboo–no one wants to get into a legal situation over cold-calling or door-knocking, but that’s becoming a thing. So, now is the time to lean into this authentic marketing that lives online.

3. Closed Ecosystems Are Coming On Strong

What I’m seeing from the conference

In the past, I’ve pushed against these all-in-one ecosystems, called walled gardens, because I like having options. But more and more, companies are creating exclusive ecosystems, and agents are taking advantage of an all-in-one system that handles everything from lead capture and prioritization to hand-off when the lead is hot. These companies are, in essence, building an entire system that runs the back end of real estate agents’ businesses from end to end.

How will it impact agents in the field?

For agents who are not tech-savvy, these walled gardens are ideal. What’s great about them is they make things simple for agents. For example, companies like Zurple or Lofty start with an IDX website that gives users a positive experience to keep them returning. Then, it deploys lead generation strategies, nurturing, funneling from outside lead gen sources, and lead prioritization on autopilot within its built-in CRM.  

My takeaway

In my experience, agents typically aren’t great at follow-up or lead conversion. With the new AI integrations taking this lift, agents will see a higher return on investment from these platforms. My only issue is that for new agents just starting, the investment for this tech level might be a lot to take on. I didn’t close my first deal until I was six months in the business. Paying hundreds of dollars monthly for tech in my real estate business until that first transaction closed might have bankrupted me before I started. 

These walled gardens aren’t made for solo agents anyway. I talked with an agent at the conference about how things are moving towards more team structures, leaving solo agents out in the cold. One of the speakers, Mauricio Umansky, founder and CEO of The Agency, said that boutique brokerages will become extinct within several years.

4. Using Real Estate Technology for Transparency in Negotiations is In

What I’m seeing from the conference

I visited Final Offer, a real estate technology company to watch while exploring the vendors at Inman Connect New York. Final Offer allows listing agents to place their listings on the platform and track listing prices, best offer pricing, and seller terms to get the house sold quickly. A listing agent can share as much or as little information as they and their seller agree. Still, anyone who has favorited the listing will be notified when an offer is submitted, opening the floor for anyone else who may have been interested in submitting an offer.

Snapshot of Final Offer booth sign from Inman Connect New York 2024

How will it impact agents in the field?

One thing that has become painfully obvious is our clients, both buyers and sellers, have an innate distrust for our industry. As real estate agents, we are responsible for creating more transparency in what we do for our clients. This real estate technology trend is timely, with the real estate commission lawsuits still looming.  

My takeaway

This type of tech is the future of real estate technology. If clients demand more transparency in their real estate transactions, more tech that allows everyone to get on the same page in real time will enter the field. I love their platform and its ability to expose transactions, creating a transparency that has been touted as a needed shift in our industry. 

Your Take On Real Estate Technology Trends

Inman Connect New York was an exciting event, and I got to take in a lot. I love going to conferences, and if I walk away with one little nugget, something that I can take back and implement in my business, it is worth the investment. This year at ICNY 2024 I was blown away by all the amazing technology in real estate that’s being created to help agents build more relationships, increase their lead gen ROI, and close more transactions.  Did you attend Inman Connect New York this year? What were your takeaways? Let me know in the comments!

The post 4 Real Estate Technology Trends to Watch in 2024 appeared first on The Close.

I explored and conversed with tons of real estate tech pioneers on the floor at Inman Connect New York. Some significant innovations are hitting the industry, and I’m excited about how they’re making life easier for agents and leveling the playing field. Here are some of my favorite real estate technology companies from the conference to watch for in 2024.

The Close’s Top Picks for Real Estate Technology Companies

Real Estate Tech Company What They Offer
NEO Listing service exclusively for new construction
Lofty Voice AI that engages with your leads
Final Offer Visibility on offers submitted on listings
Localize AI AI plus human engagement to work lead from capture to close
Sphere Virtual walkthrough videos created with your iPhone
HomeHQ.ai AI assistance on listing marketing to improve closing rates
Offrs ROOF AI that integrates with your existing syste
Broker Blocks Intuitive assistance once the lead is hot

1. NEO (New Estate Only)

New Estate Only logo
New Estate Only (NEO) logo (Source: NEO)

NEO is a listing service exclusively for new construction. It allows more sustainable marketing for property developers. Plus, it opens up the market to the international community. One thing about the multiple listing services agents currently use is it’s not an ideal setup for new construction. The days on market tend to hurt new construction as they languish in a system prioritizing the most recent listings. This real estate tech company showcases the listings’ unbuilt features instead of focusing on how long the home has been waiting for a buyer. 

Why NEO is on Our List

One of the coolest features of NEO is its ability to allow investors to use Bitcoin at the point of sale in the transaction. That opens many doors for home buyers from countries where Bitcoin is much more prevalent than in the U.S. I definitely see this as a real estate tech trend coming in the near future.

Visit NEO

2. Lofty

Lofty (formerly Chime) logo
Lofty Real Estate Solutions logo (Source: Lofty)

Formerly Chime, Lofty is looking to dominate the all-in-one space, and it might have the chops to do so. Lofty is an all-in-one exclusive platform, known in the tech world as a walled garden. It now offers voice AI for phone conversations with your clients and leads. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. 

Why Lofty is on Our List

The Voice AI is a new feature launched ahead of Inman Connect New York. It receives real-time phone calls and interacts with leads and clients like a personal assistant. I learned it can make outbound calls, as well. So, when you need to contact a client about an upcoming inspection or set a showing appointment, you can relay that to your Lofty AI. That is wild!

Visit Lofty

3. Final Offer

Final Offer logo
Final Offer negotiation platform logo (Source: Final Offer)

Final Offer is a real estate tech company that keeps everything in a transaction open to sellers, buyers, and agents. Agents will have some control over how much people see on the platform. Still, when a home is on the market and receives an offer, the software will notify everyone interested in the listing that an offer has been submitted. 

Why Final Offer is on Our List

While talking with the ladies at the Final Offer booth, I couldn’t help but think that their product will become ubiquitous in the coming year. It creates a level of transparency that hasn’t ever existed in this space. And with the latest in buyer commissions, the distrust between buyers and agents, and lawsuits making their way through the courts, this could quickly quell some of the chatter. I can see real estate associations adding this kind of software to their menu of benefits to justify those Realtor association dues. And keep an eye out for more real estate tech companies entering this field with myriad ways to elucidate transactions.

Visit Final Offer

4. Localize AI

 Localize OS logo
Localize OS suite for real estate logo (Source: Localize OS)

Localized AI lives within the Localize OS family of services. It combines the power of AI for lead nurturing and follow-up with actual human interaction. The AI, Hunter, will immediately interact with a lead upon capture. But if the lead asks a question the AI doesn’t know the answer to, it refers them to someone, a live human, who can answer it. That person has a strong incentive to help agents get a client to closing by claiming a chunk of the commission. 

Why Localize AI is on Our List

I see the value of Localize AI, but it seems like an overreach to charge agents each month for this service and then take a 15% commission at the end of the transaction. Localize AI could be a major contender in the real estate tech company space, I just hope they get rid of the 15% referral fee.

Visit Localize AI

5. Sphere

Sphere.app logo

With Sphere, agents can use their iPhones to take a video of a listing. Then, Sphere will create an immersive walkthrough video for a fraction of the price of Matterport. It’s a new real estate tech company that could be a serious game changer for agents. We, as agents, know the value of a virtual walkthrough in our listings, but paying for a Matterport tour is expensive. 

Why Sphere is on Our List

I really enjoyed seeing Sphere in action! I love that Sphere could make this technology more accessible to agents who may not have the budget for the Matterport cameras. Sphere makes it super easy–all you need is your iPhone. The only caveat is that you can only use an iPhone 12 or later model. I only have an iPhone 11, so it didn’t work on my phone. But my coworker, Nick Thomas, has an iPhone 13, so it worked perfectly on his. If Sphere can roll this out soon, I can see them ranking as one of the top real estate tech companies of 2024.

Visit Sphere

6. HomeHQ.ai

HomeHQ.ai logo
HomeHQ.ai logo (Source: HomeHQ.ai)

The way HomeHQ.ai works is each agent and listing gets an individual AI bot. So, when a lead pulls up a listing, a chatbot pops up to represent the agent on the listing. The lead receives a friendly greeting, “Hi, I’m [agent’s name}’s AI assistant, and I’m here to answer questions about {listing address}. So, the lead knows it’s an AI bot, but the AI assistant engages in a conversation about the listing to help answer questions. 

Why HomeHQ.ai is on Our List

I was impressed with this real estate tech company. It’s not widely available yet, but it can be huge for agents once it gains traction. The thing I loved the most about HomeHQ.ai is the ability to analyze the marketing for the listings and then offer advice on how to improve it. I couldn’t stop reading the AI suggestions in the easy-to-read dashboard. The company designed the dashboard so the broker can see every listing and know what needs to happen to get the listing closer to being sold.

Visit HomeHQ.ai

7. Offrs ROOF

Offrs ROOF logo
Offrs ROOF AI for real estate logo (Souce: roofre.com)

What Offrs has that other AI chatbots don’t is that RAIA can engage in conversation with leads, summarize and score every interaction, and seamlessly integrate with existing systems sets. RAIA seamlessly integrates with your current system, feeds leads into your existing CRM, and identifies ones that need immediate attention. These features streamline the process from capture to close. 

Why Offrs ROOF is on Our List

I love that Offrs lets you build the system you want with tools you already love. There are tons of walled gardens out there.  But for the agents who have been with their current tools a long time, transferring your entire database to another system is a lot more trouble than it’s worth. And that’s not including all of the expertly crafted drip campaigns created over time. For those agents, accessing a powerful AI lead nurturing tool that easily integrates with your existing systems is pure gold.

Visit Offrs ROOF

8. Broker Blocks

Broker Blocks logo
BrokerBlocks logo (Source: BrokerBlocks)

Broker Blocks scrapes thousands of breadcrumbs about your leads so you can provide a tailored experience as they make their way through your sales funnel. Agents can even send the most appropriate and likely-to-be-loved closing gifts based on the person’s personality, hobbies, likes and dislikes, etc. Say goodbye to generic closing gifts and hello to personalized gifts that indeed leave a lasting impression.

Why Broker Blocks is on Our List

Broker Blocks is still in development, but I had a chance to sit down with one of the founders, who showed me how it works. There are two things I love about what this tech does. First, it picks up in the middle of the sales process and guides agents and their clients through to the end of the transaction. It focuses on the point in the sale funnel where the lead is already hot and gives touchpoints for the agent to perform throughout the rest of the process. I love this because no one else is doing it.

The second thing I love is that it standardizes the process and does the heavy lifting mentally for agents. I can’t even begin to calculate the hours I spent trying to decipher what type of closing gifts would delight my clients. Data that tells me what my clients would like and what would be an appropriate amount of money to spend would have been priceless to me as an agent.

Visit Broker Blocks

Your Take

One of my favorite things is attending conferences like Inman Connect New York and talking to the people behind some amazing real estate tech companies. I love seeing their faces light up as they explain how their tech will help agents in the field. I got to shake hands with these innovators and see their technology in action. 

These are just a few of the cutting-edge top real estate tech companies I got to check out this time around. But it’s by no means an exhaustive list. Did you attend ICNY 2024? Did you see some cool stuff I missed? Let me know in the comments!

The post 8 Real Estate Technology Companies to Watch for in 2024 appeared first on The Close.

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Aerial

This 9,625 SF San Francisco home in Pacific Heights is represented by Max Armour of Compass.

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco
6 BED | 6 BATH | 2 HBA | Offered at $35,000,000

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco - Stairwell
Photographer: Brad Knipstein

Built in 1910, 2830 Pacific Avenue has been fully restored and modernized to capture the original integrity of the home’s Georgian Colonial architecture while ushering it into the 21st-century. The current owners honored the home’s past while creating their version of a private family oasis in the heart of San Francisco’s captivating Pacific Heights.

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco - Kitchen
Photographer: Brad Knipstein

An elegant and peaceful refuge nestled within a vibrant city, the renowned Pacific Heights district runs alongside infamous hills that rise from the Marina and run along an east-west ridge between the Presidio and Van Ness Avenue and encompass the most iconic views of the Bay. This sophisticated enclave is home to some of the city’s stunning architecture styles, record breaking homes along Billionaire’s Row, world-renowned Michelin Star restaurants, and borders the serene natural beauty of Presidio National Park. 

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco - Front Door
Photographer: Brad Knipstein

Sparing no expense, this elegant 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom, and 2 half-bathroom residence was restored using only the highest quality craftsmanship and millwork. From the marble front steps past the columned entry to the grand staircase, to the soaring ceilings, oversized windows, and elongated sight lines, the home’s unparalleled scale and elegant symmetry capture the essence of a well lived life.

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco - View Deck
Photographer: Brad Knipstein

Abundant natural light, garden outlooks, and unobstructed views of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge give 2830 Pacific Avenue a sense of calmness and offers a tranquil, private reprieve from the dynamic city just outside your front door. 

2830 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco - Video Thumbnail

Watch the video tour here.
Learn more at www.2830pacificavenue.com

About Max Armour

In Max’s two decades of experience, he’s built a reputation as an agent who delivers value in every transaction by giving each client everything he has. His professionalism, work ethic, and drive have led to him being consistently ranked in the top 1% of San Francisco real estate agents for over a decade. Instilled with youthful energy and unrelenting dedication, he’s a sought-after agent and expert at garnering exposure in San Francisco’s highly-competitive market, with over $1.5 billion in sales for clients in his career.

Max blends an innovative approach—constantly evolving and utilizing the latest trends in real estate—with a focus on truly understanding each client’s unique priorities. Whether you’re buying or selling, he understands that in a time of transition, you need someone who will exercise discretion, while turning over every stone to ensure your success.

As a Russian Hill native and Northside expert, Max has unparalleled understanding of the city’s niched neighborhoods and nuanced microclimates. He enlists his extensive network of relationships and deep knowledge of every neighborhood, street, and house in the area to stay ahead of the game and deliver value for his clients.

Listed by Max Armour
DRE 01446122

The post Historic Home Allures in San Francisco’s Iconic Gold Coast first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.

Set upon almost an acre of park-like land in the Pacific Palisades, this newly-constructed estate evokes grand, traditional charm, coupled with contemporary flair, and an unmatched indoor-outdoor California living experience.

Grand stone walk up to Palisades mansion.

Envisioned by the city’s premier luxury development group, Palisades Development Company, this masterpiece offers elevated design sensibility and high-end amenities in an unparalleled ocean view setting. A long private driveway leads to your deluxe motor court and elevated glass front door, welcoming you to the ultimate entertainment compound.

Backyard with pool, horizon view of ocean, and offshore island.

Open, sun drenched living spaces, ground-to-ceiling doors, french oak floors, and imported designer finishes encompass a purposeful layout with 11-foot ceilings throughout.

Living room with pine floors, biege sofas, fireplace and modern art.

A state-of-the-art chef’s kitchen with an attached butlers pantry, a designer office, temperature-controlled wine cellar, cabana, and wellness studio equipped with an infrared sauna and steam shower, sums up the main level and allows a seamless flow to the outside oasis from any room.

Casual dining area and kitchen

Upstairs, an elegant primary suite showcases vaulted ceilings, a balcony, fireplace, two expansive closets, spa baths, and panoramic ocean views.

Bathroom with white tub, windows and doorway leading out to patio.

In total, 7 bedrooms, 12 baths, and all of today’s necessities such as an elevator, two sets of laundry units, a four-car garage, an impressive lower level with an oversize theater, gym, and extra guest quarters complete this masterfully crafted home. Enjoy multi-leveled deck space, a heated pool, a sprawling hillside, containing a variety of trees, producing seasonal vegetables, fruits, and herbs, al fresco dining, and a lounge area with an outdoor fireplace as the sun sets.

Pool and backyard at twilight.

Truly a one-of-a-kind property in a highly desired location close to hiking, shopping, beach living, and all the Palisades community has to offer. 15975 Alcima Avenue, Pacific Palisades is listed at $25,995,000 by Aaron Kirman.

The post Cape-Cod Style Estate Stuns in Pacific Palisades  first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.

999 Green St Home of the week banner with image of living area and plate glass window walls SF skyline view

The crown jewel of San Francisco’s skyline, 999 Green Street’s spectacular penthouse apartments afford panoramic views from The Summit’s glass-encased tower.

999 Green St penthouse window walls

Designed by famed developer, Joseph Eichler, and owned by San Francisco’s most beloved couple George Shultz and Charlotte Maillard Shultz, both North and South-facing penthouses evoke a statement-making sense of grandeur with floor-to-ceiling glass and grand staircases that link two lavish levels.

View of SF skyline and bridge from balcony of 999 Green St penthouse

Sold together or separately, these one-of-a-kind penthouses have come to the market just twice since inception in 1973.

Patio with furnishings of 999 Green St penthouse with view of SF skyline

Set within a full-service, luxury skyrise with 24-hour doorman, and located in prime Russian Hill near hip cafes and eateries, penthouse living includes deeded parking and extra storage.

999 Green st penthouse bedroom with full plate glass walls and view of SF skyline

Thoughtfully designed with shared common areas, including two connecting hallways and on-floor storage, both North and South towers have the capacity to operate independently or together as one.

999 Green St open living area with plate glass walls and view of SF skyline at sunset

999 Green Street, Unit 3201 and 999 Green Street, Unit 3202 in San Francisco are represented by Compass agents Max Armour and Karen Mendelsohn Gould.

The post The Green Street Penthouses: The Crown Jewel of San Francisco’s Skyline first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.

Before there was a Sea Cliff neighborhood, there was One 25th. Featured in Wall Street Journal, this proud and welcoming Italianate-Victorian home stood alone on the bluffs of the area’s now-famous cliffs offering respite and privacy for the San Francisco family that built it. Grand scale and updated amenities in the home’s many inviting spaces bring modern livability even as the irrepressible charm of countless original Old World details calls to the past. Spectacular Golden Gate Bridge views light up many of the home’s rooms making this a truly one-of-a-kind property with stature and prominence rarely seen on the market.    

Seacliff SF Italianate house with view of golden gate bridge  Brian Kitts photograph
Brian Kitts

The main level’s tall ceilings and ultra-wide towering doors, custom-built fireplaces with massive surrounds, and dark-wood parquet floors and trim bring an inviting elegance that makes any room the perfect place to relax with family or guests. The scale and volume of these spaces is something you don’t often find today and is evident the minute you step from the dramatic foyer into the living room, where large picture windows boasting jaw-dropping Golden Gate Bridge, Marin Headland, and ocean views command your attention.

Ornate victorian-style livingroom with fireplace in Italianate house Sea Cliff SF
Brian Kitts

Any family will find numerous cozy spaces and alcoves to appreciate together and enjoy the modern-day amenities, such as an integrated sound system, keyless entry and video security system for peace of mind, and luxuriously updated kitchen and baths for everyday living.

victorian-style-dining room-Brian-Kitts Sea Cliff Italianate house
Brian Kitts

This level also enjoys a well-maintained, sunlit south-facing courtyard that the U-shaped home embraces, with many rooms offering overlooks or outlets to the private, lush area. On the other side of the property, a generous terrace and deck beckon with more dramatic views, gentle ocean sounds, and a wooden stairway leading to a ground-level deck and secure access to venerable Baker Beach.

Fainting couch in front of window with Pacific ocean view
Brian Kitts

Upstairs, a tasteful primary suite and a thoughtful dressing room/office, with more turn-of-the-century details and hand-crafted moldings, boast epic Golden Gate Bridge views from every window. A walk-in closet and two more primary baths with dramatic ocean views make the suite even more inviting. Three more bedrooms, all with updated en suite baths, two with Juliet balconies, and one with a sunny terrace overlooking the courtyard, complete the level.

Patio with lounge chair view of Golden Gate Bridge, Pacific ocean and beach front
Brian Kitts

A pent-level offers a generous activity room perfect for family night, another guest suite, and two sunny walkout terraces that provide a great place to take in the crisp ocean air and enjoy dramatic unobstructed Golden Gate Bridge views.  

Italian house sea cliff exterior view in yard of palms lit up
Brian Kitts

The 8,495-square-foot residence sits at the end of a cul-de-sac and offers an impossible-to-find presence and legacy in the heart of the enviable Sea Cliff neighborhood. The esteemed family that built this house in 1908 was inspired to do so after the 1906 earthquake and fire, finding the bluffs of Sea Cliff the perfect place to regroup and continue to write their prominent San Francisco legacy. The family’s daughter, Phoebe Hearst Brown, was only 4 years old when the home was built and remembers “nothing else there but sand dunes, lupine, and rabbits.”

One 25th Avenue, San Francisco is listed at $39,000,000 by Compass agent Neal Ward.

The post Home of the Week: Historic Sea Cliff Italianate-Victorian first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.

California Home of the Week Banner V

Designed by leading Atherton architect of Pacific Peninsula Group, this one-of-a-kind estate is Menlo Park’s most expensive listing to date.

Exterior of house dusk with interior lights on in Menlo Park
Todd Clancy

Listed at $26,499,000 by Compass Menlo Park agent Judy Citron, 1340 Arbor Road is a three-story masterpiece reimagined by renowned Pacific Peninsula Architecture. A second parcel located at the front entrance, priced separately, offers the opportunity to develop an additional home or create a family compound. When combined, the 2+ acre property would amount to Menlo Park’s largest residential lot.

Arbor Rd Menlo Park house entrance
Photographed by Blu Skye Media

A fully circular driveway sets the stage for chic sophistication throughout the property, including light and bright interiors complemented by matte-finished white oak floors. Architectural details include exceptional millwork, detailed ceilings, and layers of crown and wall moldings.

White kitchen with black chairs at island bar
Photographed by Blu Skye Media

The open kitchen/family room is a triumph of design ready for everyday living, brightened by four skylights in the towering ceiling and French doors opening to the grounds on three sides. The kitchen features Calacatta Lincoln marble counters, including an island with seating, plus a suite of Wolf, Miele, and Sub-Zero appliances. A large casual dining area with built-in desk center is set to one side while a fully customized mud room on the opposite side offers exceptional functionality and secondary access to the lower level. 

White bedroom interior
Photographed by Blu Skye Media

The layout features five en-suite bedrooms including one downstairs. The primary suite is located upstairs – an exceptional retreat with sitting room, couture closet, and spa-inspired bath. Three additional bedroom suites are just down the hall. 

Arbor Rd Menlo Park outdoor living area in yard
Photographed by Blu Skye Media

The unfinished lower level, with towering ceilings and numerous windows, offers more than 2,400 square feet which may be used for recreation, a theater, and fitness – or whatever your lifestyle choices may be.Additional amenities include multi-zoned air conditioning, Nest thermostats, a distributed sound system, and programmable lighting. Outside, the level grounds are an enchanting, park-like setting with the opportunity to add recreational amenities.

Exterior of house at sunset with interior light on Arbor Rd Menlo Park lawn in foreground
Todd Clancy

Set in a premier location in Menlo Park, just two blocks from downtown conveniences on Santa Cruz Avenue and close to excellent Menlo Park public and private schools, 1340 Arbor Road is an unforgettable property that captures the ambiance of an Atherton estate.

The post This Architectural Masterpiece is Menlo Park’s Most Expensive Listing first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.


Perfectly sited among the rolling hills of Central Portola Valley, this timeless contemporary estate was custom built with exceptional attention to detail and material selection.

Indoor/outdoor dining area.

Beautifully patinated Italian metal doors open to extend the living space outside, with a sweeping loggia overlooking the pool on one side, and a central courtyard with a majestic heritage Oak tree on the other.

Great room with 20 foot beamed ceilings, fireplace, and metal glass doors to loggia and rose gardens Central Portola estate

The great room, crowned by 20-foot exposed beam ceilings, features an open concept living room, dining area, and chef’s kitchen with expansive island and LaCanche range.

Chefs kitchen with expansive island, beamed ceilings, laCanche range in Central Portola estate

The primary suite offers a luxurious bathroom with a soaking tub and direct access to a private rose garden and spa.

Primary bedroom suite with fireplace in Central Portola estate

Set back from the main property, the guest house offers a luxurious space for visitors or additional flexible living space with a full kitchen and bathroom.

Guest house with vaulted ceilings and skylight in Central Portola estate

380 Cervantes Road, Portola Valley is listed at $10,500,000 by The reSolve Group.

The post Contemporary Portola Valley Estate first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.

mid century living room

Situated on a spectacular hilltop overlooking the Ross Valley and Mt. Tamalpais is Quail Hill, a private 14+ acre enclave of unparalleled beauty, privacy and security.

Mid-Century and contemporary Japanese architecture covered walkway

A hybrid of both Mid-Century and contemporary Japanese architecture, the home has a clean and minimalistic design. A naturally flat building site allows for the multi-wing 11,565 square foot home with six bedroom suites to be sited on single-level living cantilevering out into the native oak landscape.

Janaese-modern patio wiith sunraise breaking through at sunset

The landscaping, designed by Nagao Sakuri, is integral to the overall design of the home, with countless moments, interruptions, controlled outlooks, and multi-season plantings.

Patio with outdoor table and chairs landscaping, designed by Nagao Sakuri

Thirteen-foot high ceilings and impeccable scale create rooms that are comfortable and infinitely livable with expansive walls of glass all around that take advantage of the sweeping views and wide panoramas.

Long modern indoor corridor with glass walls and modern Japanese-style design

Quail Hill offers the unique opportunity to acquire one of the largest and most private properties in Marin County. Adjacent parcels are available.

Japanese-inspired Mid-Century modern design estate with landscape in foreground

21 Canyon Road, Ross is listed at $29 million by Compass agent Neal Ward.

The post Japanese-Inspired Mid-Century Featured in Architectural Digest first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.

California Home of the Week Banner V

This peaceful gated estate home has an exceptional floor plan including four attached bedrooms with Pacific Ocean, Maui, sunset and Kohala Mountain views.

Ka'ulu estate with golf course and swimming hole

This property is located on a private cul-de-sac with an attached three car garage, extremely close to resort amenities.

Private cul-de-sac  entrance to Hawaiian estate

The 12-foot entry doors open to the foyer and great room which offer golf course and ocean views. The gourmet kitchen has ample counter space, a large island with prep sink and breakfast bar.

12-foot entry doors open to the foyer and great room which offer golf course and ocean views

Appliances include a Wolf six-burner range, double door refrigerator, under-counter Sub-Zero wine cooler, and built-in microwave. The outdoor kitchen includes a built-in grill with hood, sink and under-counter fridge.

Kitchen with wood paneled cabinets, island and grill-hood over range

The primary bedroom wing includes a private study and bathroom with a massive outdoor shower. The junior suite features double sliding doors opening to views and a private lanai steps away from the spa.

The third bedroom suite features three bunk beds with a private living room and can sleep up to nine guests. This suite includes a soaking tub and walk-in shower. The fourth bedroom suite features double sliding doors opening to tranquil garden views.

The entertainment room is a generous space for movies, sports, fitness, a second office or 5th bedroom. Granite countertops, travertine flooring, and mahogany cabinetry is found throughout the home. The high plate height and tall doors accentuate the volume and spaces.

Guestroom with double sliding door to patio with outdoor table and chairs

An enormous infinity edge pool and spa are decorated with fire pots and overlooks the 5th hole of Hualalai’s Jack Nicklaus-signature golf course.

5th hole of Hualalai’s Jack Nicklaus-signature golf course

72-103 Pohinahina Place, Kailua-Kona, HI is listed at $11,500,000 by Hawaii agents Tony L. Pinckert + Tom Loratta.

The post Luxurious Island Resort: Ka’ulu Estates first appeared on California Real Estate Blog.